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On April 20th 2014, Anzheng’s 1st spring trekking was successfully held in Gucun Park. Over 30 coleagues from various division of the Group participated in this activity. Some came with their baby, some came with their parents, some took their whole family, and others decided to travel light, aiming at winning the prizes and enjoying the pleasure and relaxation outside the busy work life.

Before starting off, the staff first introduced the rules of the contest to all participants. According to groups of six, participants quickly formed their own teams. As required, they would have to complete all six zones according to the prescribed routes. At each zone there will be a staff, and participants shall ask the staff for corresponding value card. The team that collects all six value cards will win the team award. At the same time, staff members will give each participant a mysterious tool-a pedometer, an instrument to record the trekking length of the participants. With this device, our staff members will accurately tell who has taken the longest distance within specified time limit. The top five players will win a camping bag. That is to say, this activity not only challenges team work but also personal performance, which is in great harmony with our value for cooperation and efficiency! On the command of the staff, our players started their game. As staff members were scattered in each zone, they had to maintain contact with each other by using cellphones and share with each other. What fun! Within one hour, some players were always dashing towards the finish line. Without resting for one second, they showed off their cards. At last, the participants from Comprehensive Procurement Department and Information Center collected all six value cards within the shortest time and won the team award. Sun Meihong, Hu Junling, Zheng Chenggong, Liu Xi, and Chen Huanying from JZ Technology Department and Information Center were awarded with “Best Walker” and won their camping backpacks. Joy and laughter filled the entire park and added additional passion and joy to the park in such a nice spring day!

This spring trekking gave employees opportunity to breathe the fresh air and appreciate the beautiful nature outside the office area. They had the chance to tread on the soft ground. From this activity, they not only harvested friendship and prizes, but also loads of positive energy!