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“时光至美” JZ玖姿2014秋冬高级成衣发布秀揭幕中国国际时装周






With the elegance and inspiration of the “supreme beauty of the times”, JZ opened the fall-winter high-grade ready-to-wear collection in Beijing Hotel on March 24th 2014, aiming at displaying the design and brand quality of JZ brand and lighting up a warm and charming fall and winter. Through incorporating the traditional aesthetic concept in China and studying the body shape of modern urban women, fourteen years’ hard work of JZ has led to the honor of “a brand that has the expertise to understand how to best embellish women’s body shape”.

At the 14th anniversary in 2014, JZ brand introduced this “supreme beauty of the times” show, which tells the history of JZ in embellishing women’s body shape in the form of various kinds of clothing. By combining oriental classical and traditional elements with the creativity of the high-grade ready-to-wear collection, JZ garments present the modern fashion and oriental elegance and fully unveil the charming body shape of oriental ladies that forms great harmony with their traditional attire and the style of the modern times.

Paper cutting art is the highlight of JZ collection during this event. Incorporation of the hollow-out element of traditional paper cutting art into modern weaving technique, the 3D and perspective feeling created by fabrics with varied texture, and the extremely modern silhouette provide the traditional elements with classical charm and fashionable character.

Incorporation of skillful paper cutting technique, the use of silk embroidery by JZ also interprets the essence of traditional oriental clothing aesthetics. The fine golden and silver yarn, when combined with the elegant peacock feather, explains the special elegance of oriental women. Both the inspiration of paper cutting art and use of silk and embroidery technique are mainly characterized by vegetation, grass, trees, and flowers, which dominates the show of this season and provides this event with flowing aesthetic logic.

JZ, with its modern features, reinterprets oriental classics, introduces the vintage beauty of China, purifies women’s inner souls, focuses on natural and elegant moments, and unveils the beauty and fashion trend of 2014.